Arkansas COM - Secondary Essay Prompts
Access our complete list of all Secondary Essay Prompts from Arkansas COM in Fort Smith, AR for the 2018-2023 admissions cycles.
1 .List any significant volunteer, community service and/or mission experiences you have had that is not listed on your AACOMAS application. Provide the organization name, hours/week, duration of experience, as well as a brief description of your duties.
2 .Please tell us about any healthcare experiences you have had that are not listed on your AACOMAS application. Provide organization name, hours/week, duration of experience, and a breif descripton of your duties.
3 .How do you plan to fulfill the ARCOM Mission in your practice as a physician?
4 .What challenges do you expect to personally face most in the next 10 years as a healthcare professional?
5 .How do you expect to overcome these challenges?
6 .Describe an experience where you interacted with a person or people from a different background than you (ability, religion, gender, race, age, socioeconomic status, citizenship/ nationality, sexual orientation).
7 .How did that interaction impact your mindset of the role of a physician?
8 .If you are in a difficult basic science class and feel you are not fully grasping the information given in lecture, how would you alter your study habits or techniques to better understand the material and complete the course successfully?
9 .What is a recent book you read that impacted the way you think about today’s world?
10 .Please explain how this book impacted the way you think about today’s world.
11 .How did you hear about ARCOM?